Kabhi To Khul Ke Baras

Lyrics by Prem Warbartoni

कभी तो खुल के बरस अब्र-इ-मेहरबान की तरह
मेरा वजूद है जलते हुए मकान की तरह

kabhii to khul ke baras abr-e-meharabaa.N kii tarah
meraa wajuud hai jalate hue makaa.N kii tarah

अब्र, Abr: Cloud
मेहरबान, Meherbaan: Beneficent, Kind
अब्र-इ-मेहरबान, Abr-e-Meharbaan: Benevolent/quenching clouds
वजूद, Wajood: Existence, Entity
मकान, Makaan: Accommodation, House, Habitation, Place, Whereabouts

भारी बहार का सीना है जख्म ज़ख्म मगर
सबा ने गाये हैं लोरी शफीक मन की तरह

bharii bahaar kaa siinaa hai zaKhm zaKhm magar
sabaa ne gaaye hai.n lorii shafiiq man kii tarah

बहार, Bahaar: Bloom, Beauty, Glory, Delight, Elegance, Enjoyment, Fine Landscape, Flourishing State, Prime, Spring
सीना, Siinaa: Bosom, Breast, Chest
ज़ख्म, zaKhm: Bruise, Cut, Damage, Felon, Gash, Hack, Harm, Hurt, Injury, Loss,Sore, Wound
सबा, Sabaa: Breeze, Gentle Cool Breeze, Wind
लोरी, Lorii: Lullaby
शफीक, Shafiiq: Affectionate, Kind, Kind Hearted, Lenient

वो कौम था जो बरहना बदन चट्टानों से
लिपट गया था कभी बहर-इ-बेकरान की तरह

vo kaun thaa jo barahanaa badan chaTTaano.n se
lipaT gayaa thaa kabhii bahr-e-bekaraa.N kii tarah

बारहना, Ba-rahanaa: Bare, Naked
चट्टान, ChaTTaan: Large Rock
लिपट, LipaT: Embrace, Entangle, Wrap
बह्र, Bahr: Meter, Ocean, Rhythm, Sea, Verse
बेकरान, Be-karaaN: Vast
बह्र-इ-बेकरान, Bahr-e-BekaraaN: Vast Ocean

सकूत-इ-दिल तो जज़ीरा है बर्फ का लेकिन
तेरा खुलूस है सूरज के सायेबान की तरह

sakuut-e-dil to jaziiraa hai barf kaa lekin
teraa Khuluus hai suuraj ke saayebaa.N kii tarah

सकूत, Sakuut: Silence
सकूत-इ-दिल, Sakuut-e-Dil: Lonely Heart(?)
जज़ीरा, Jaziiraa: Island
बर्फ, Barf: Ice, Snow
ख़ुलूस, Khluus: Openness, Truth, Strength Of The Relationship
सायेबान, SaayebaaN: Canopy; sunshade, umbrella, parasol; roof or fly of a tent; thatched roof

मैं एक ख्वाब सही आप की अमानत हूँ
मुझे संभाल के रखियेगा जिस्म-ओ-जान की तरह

mai.n ik Khwaab sahii aap kii amaanat huu.N
mujhe sambhaal ke rakhiyegaa jism-o-jaa.N kii tarah

ख्वाब, Khwaab: Sleep, Dream
अमानत, Amaanat: Guardianship, Guaranty, Fidelity, Something Given In Trust, Deposit, Security
संभाल, Sambhaal: To sustain, to support, to protect, to safeguard
जिस्म-ओ-जान, Jism-o-Jaan: Body and soul

कभी तो सोच के वो शख्स किस क़दर था बुलंद
जो बिछ गया तेरे क़दमों में आसमान की तरह

kabhii to soch ke vo shaKhs kis qadar thaa bula.nd
jo bichh gayaa tere qadmo.n me.n aasmaa.N kii tarah

शख्स, Shakhs: A Person, Being, Body, Individual
क़दर, Qadar: Amount, Appreciation, Dignity, Honor, Magnitude, Merit, Quantity, Value, Worth
बुलंद, Buland: Exalted, Great, High, Lofty, Loud, Sublime, Tall
बिछना, Bichhna: To be spread, be laid out; to be floored; to become prostrate, lie flat; to humble oneself; to be brought or laid low
क़दमों, Qadmon: Feet

बुला रहा है मुझे फिर किसी बदन का बसंत
गुज़र न जाए ये रुत भी कहीं खिज़ां की तरह

bulaa rahaa hai mujhe phir kisii badan kaa basa.nt
guzar na jaaye ye rut bhii kahii.n Khizaa.N kii tarah

बसंत, Basanth: Spring
खिज़ां, Khizaan: Autumn, Decay

लहू है निस्फ सदी का जिस के आबगीने में
न देख प्रेम उसे चश्म-इ-अर्गवान की तरह

lahuu hai nisf sadii kaa jis ke aabagiine me.n
na dekh “Prem” use chashm-e-arGavaa.N kii tarah

लहू, Lahuu: Blood
निस्फ, Nisf: Half; semi-
सदी, Sadii: A century
निस्फ-सदी, Nisf sadii: 50 years
आबगीना, Aabagiina: A crystal glass
लहू है निस्फ सदी का जिस के आबगीने में, Lahuu hai nisf sadii kaa jis ke aabaaagine mein: Vintage blood red wine in a crystal glass(?)
प्रेम, ‘Prem’: A reference to the poet Prem Warbartoni
अर्गवान, arGavaaN: A plant whose flowers and fruit are of a beautiful red (Arbor Judæa); red colour, crimson; purple
चश्म-इ-अर्गवान, Chashm-e-arGavaaN: Something that looks red in colour, In this context – a reference to the blood red wine(?)

11 comments so far

  1. Dhaval on

    Thanks for the detailed explanation !! I’ve loved this gazal for many years but had problems with few urdu words. Thanks again !!

  2. Anonymous on

    it’s great for a malayalee like me to get to understand the meaning of the lyrics for the songs i love so much.. thanks so much..

  3. Anonymous on

    good job done the meanings are really help full to understand urdu language thank you very much . keep doing this regularly…

  4. soni on

    earlier it was really tough to understand.nw its so meaningful.thanks.

  5. Anonymous on

    Excellent voice! Just heard this song sung by Chitra ji and loved it.

    Thank you for providing the lyrics but the song that I found has runtime 5:14 and some part of lyrics is missing. Is this sung by any other artist also?

    Can you update the full song link if there is same song with extra runtime including the lyrics in entirety. Thanks!

  6. Kalpesh soni on

    nice words, awesome tune, her best singing
    i am more of her fan then jaggu dada

  7. Anonymous on

    awesome ghazal! these are goldmines 🙂

  8. shweta on

    no words.. so touching..so meaningful n such a fresh music..lovely

  9. Anonymous on

    Really great !!!

  10. Anonymous on

    Thank you so much
    Now I can enjoy this even more
    Very deep and Heartfelt

  11. ज़फ़र खान on

    आपके कोशिश की में दाद देता हूं, बहोत अच्छे ।
    ऐसे ही उर्दू की खिदमत करते रहिए । क्यूंकि ग़ज़ल का मज़ा लेना है, समझना है तो उर्दू समझना जरूरी है । आपका शुक्रिया ।

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